
Leaving all of us
Alone in this mortal world
Wailing after you, for your love
& care
O great soul ! You departed for heavenly abode.
Tears are still rolling down the cheeks
of everyone you cared every moment
Your love, your caring nature,
your dedicated moments
to the society
for the betterment of
each and every individual
no one can forget.
We can feel your love
we can sense the sensibility
always latent in your heart.
The soul always believed to change
the dead stone into gold,
did the same and proved yourself
Who will turn now the stone into gold
OH, No one is there.
You can never depart
You are still with us
In our sweet memories, in our surroundings
In our drawing room, you are sitting & talking with us
your ideas are solving the problems,
During dining hours, you are with us
serving the delicious items with unforgettable taste
You are with us at each and every moment
at each and every place
you are with us
In our heart and soul
You can never leave us
O Great soul !
You can never… You can never…
Anil Kumar Mishra
Ranchi, Jharkhand, Bharat