
Learning to wait for things
Is the way to receive many blessings.
Time cannot be rushed
It will not escape like a rapid bullet train
It will not cause a blink of the lights.
Time is there under the roof
It is there on the streets,
In the rush among the crowds.
Time is there in the history.
The clock has been a face of time
Nature seeks a time for everything
Seasons do not wait for time
They just appear.
Time is not a clock
Although it might sound mechanical.
I think it is a metaphysical concept
Larger than reality.
The story of time can be taller
Than the weeping willows
It can be like a space satellite
It can be a conquering ability
Of a legend only because
Times have ascribed
Names to the legends.
Whatever time is, something should
Be relative to it.
Time should be measured
With respect to life.
But here time is destroyed
Because minds are obstructed
And labeled unhealthy
Before they even live.
It seems that we have forgotten
Minds and time can
Change the world.
Sushant Thapa, Nepal
[email protected]