• २०८१ फागुन १ बिहीबार


Anil Kumar Mishra

Anil Kumar Mishra

Life is a lemon,
valuable& precious.
It is cut,squeezed,
used with salt
otherwise pickled
in the scorching sun.
Circumstances also squeeze
time and again
and get the same quantity
of juice
collected by the life
after long period of
tireless labour.
It destroys honesty,integrity
within a human being,
compels to be wrong
mental peace is wrenched
again and again
to disturb the proper harmony
and the balance of life.
It tears,it throws
the body without life to prove-
it is all in all,
It can make or mar the life
very easily
to exhibit the power
circumstances have also got,
destroying the lives of lives.

Anil Kumar Mishra, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India