
On the occasion of Valentine’s Day
I am writing this poem, hoping you’re fine,
I don’t know who you are
But I know you are the soul of the universe
Love is the best gift you will ever receive
And you will merge in oneness if you meet a great soul
So please accept that your heart waits for love
Only love will give you great freedom
In both your inner and outer worlds
Love is the thing that will save you from cruelty.
Creation is formed when you feel love
From that love you have hope
Wherever you are in the world
Can you imagine anything without love?
So dear lover,
Try expanding your love and faith
Which is true and devoted
Humans, animals, birds, and plants
Only love can connect them
This letter is for my valentine,
Only love creates a peaceful mind
Love is here, there, and everywhere
True love is the thing we should share
Durga Dhakal