• २०८१ फागुन १ बिहीबार


Shiju H. Pallithazheth

Shiju H. Pallithazheth

It all started off as a passion;
Filled my mind with compassion.
I’m trying to explore its potentials,
While I start to earn the credentials.
It did heal my moods to be joyful;
Sagacity influenced so plentiful.
Poetry added vigor to my life,
Pierced into my insight like a knife
This art helped open up my mind,
Keeping my thoughts always kind.
I don’t still boast myself as a bard,
As I’m still learning this art so hard.
Let me learn it till I lie in my coffin,
Till then, I won’t do the boasting.
The day I reach my afterlife,
Having ended all this living strife;
I will proclaim, ‘I was learning while living,
And mastered values of literary giving;
‘Today, I proudly call myself a poet,
And I can no longer be quiet.’

Shiju H. Pallithazheth, Famous Writer & Poet, Oman